What does co uk mean?

So you are planning to use a .co.uk extension for your next domain. But what does co uk mean? Is it better than a .com domain? Is it different from a .uk extension?

If you’ve all these questions, we are here to answer them all. Getting the right domain extension helps you drive more traffic to your website. So we’ll share the suitability of co uk extension to help you make the right choice.

But first, let’s find out the meaning of .co.uk in our next section.

What does .co .uk mean in domains?

The .co in a domain expands to commercial. The other part, .uk, stands for the United Kingdom. Therefore, .co.uk domains relate to commercial organizations operating in the UK.

an organization with co uk domain

Why do websites have .co.uk and not .com?

Like .co, the .com in a domain means commercial. So a .com website can relate to any commercial entity, irrespective of its operating location.

Generally, businesses utilize a .co.uk extension in place of a .com extension for country-specific targeting. The .co.uk extension is a country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) specifically meant for businesses operating in the United Kingdom.

On the other hand, the .com domain is not a country-specific domain and is available for businesses throughout the globe.

using com and co uk extensions

Websites that utilize a .co.uk domain and not a .com domain want to represent their existence in the UK. Their visitors will know about their presence in the UK from the domain itself.

What factors should be taken into account before purchasing .co.uk domains on the internet?

The biggest factor leading you towards the purchase of a .co.uk domain is your target audience. This domain extension is the best choice when the majority of your website visitors will come from the UK.

A .co.uk domain helps you strengthen your local credentials. People who prefer supporting local businesses will see you as a British website. They will prefer visiting your website over your competitors with a .com web address.

Branding is another factor that you must consider before purchasing a .co.uk domain. This extension is suitable only when you want to establish a 100% British brand. Your website visitors will immediately start recognizing you as a British business.

recognized as 100% british brand

However, if you plan to establish a country-neutral brand, we suggest avoiding a .co.uk domain. In such a case, consider choosing a .com extension.

Registration and Regulations

Follow these steps to register a .co.uk domain:

Step 1: Visit the website of your preferred domain registrar.

Step 2: Search for the desired domain name to check its availability.

Step 3: Select a .co.uk extension against the name you check.

Step 4: Register the domain if it is available with the .co.uk extension. If not, repeat the search process for another preferred domain name.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law that regulates domain registrations in the UK. As per these regulations, some country-specific domains are available only to the citizens of that specific nation.

However, GDPR does not restrict the use of the .co.uk domain in any manner. Therefore, you can register a domain with a .co.uk extension even if you are not a UK citizen. So consider utilizing this extension to build a solid British business even if you are not a local.

american company using co uk domain

SEO and Geographic Targeting

Using a ccTLD is one of the most effective methods for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and geographic targeting. Search engines will recognize your website from its domain name among other things.

When you utilize a .co.uk domain, Google assumes that your website is specifically relevant to the UK audience. This gives you supremacy over other domain names during geographic targeting.

For instance, let’s say a .com and a .co.uk website are equal in authority, quality, and other optimizations. Google will rank the .co.uk website over the .com one in a British user’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Therefore, having a .co.uk domain will positively influence a website’s visibility in the UK. Search engines will consider your website and its content to be relevant to Britain. As a result, your website will start appearing higher in the search results.

cctlds seo and geographic targeting

Use Cases for “.co.uk” Domains

A .co.uk domain is popular among commercial organizations in the UK. However, many individuals and businesses around the globe also utilize it to establish their presence in the region.

Go for a .co.uk domain when:

  • You plan to target the UK audience from within or outside of the nation.
  • You want to portray yourself as a local British brand.
  • You want to leave your competition behind and use it as an SEO strategy.
  • Your products, services, or content are specifically meant for Britishers and non-UK traffic isn’t very relevant to your business.

Both global and local businesses utilize the power of .co.uk domains. Google itself is the biggest example of a well-known corporation having multiple ccTLDs, including .co.uk.

Other examples include Amazon, Kellogg’s, BBC, Reed, ESPN, The Independent, Nestlé, eBay, BMW, and Sainsbury’s.

well known companies using co uk domains


An answer to what does co uk mean is that this domain is a country-specific top-level domain relevant for websites targeting the UK audience. GDPR doesn’t restrict its registration for non-UK citizens, so you can purchase a .co.uk domain from anywhere.

A .co.uk domain gives you an edge over your competitors with a .com domain. It is an excellent option for geographic targeting as it ranks better than a .com in SERPs of Britishers.

We recommend using a .co.uk domain when you want to establish a British brand. It is also suitable when your website serves only the UK audience. So, go for a .co.uk domain and establish a strong presence in the region.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is a .uk domain any good?

Yes, a .uk domain is also a good option to target the British market. It is a relatively newer extension compared to the .co.uk. However, you can expect to receive similar benefits from its use.

Why do people use co uk?

People use co uk for geographic targeting. They utilize this extension to establish a 100% British brand and target the regional audience.

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